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What is Semen Analysis?

Semen analysis is a diagnostic test used to evaluate male fertility potential and reproductive health. It involves the examination of a semen sample to assess various parameters such as sperm count, motility, morphology, and other factors. The test provides crucial insights into sperm health, helping identify any abnormalities or potential fertility issues. By analysing the quality and quantity of sperm, semen analysis plays a vital role in determining a man's ability to conceive. It is a valuable tool used by healthcare professionals to guide couples in their family planning journey and make informed decisions regarding fertility treatments.

Visit our IVF Centre in Panipokhari, Kathmandu today!

Indira IVF, 3rd Floor, Adjacent to Global IME Bank, IME Complex, Panipokhari, Kathmandu-03, Nepal - 44600

Meet our Fertility Experts

Dr. Neha Homagai

Chief Infertility Specialist, MD (OB/GYN) & MBBS

Dr. Neha Homagai is a Nepal Medical Council-Registered IVF Specialist. She has completed her 1-year fellowship in Chennai. Dr. Neha is also a Chief Infertility Specialist at Indira IVF Centre in Kathmandu and brings unparalleled expertise in assisted reproductive technology, empowering couples to overcome infertility challenges. With compassion and extensive experience, she has become a trusted name in the field, offering unwavering support and hope to couples on their transformative journey to parenthood.

Dr. Manisha Acharya

IVF Specialist, MS (OB/GYN) & MBBS

Dr. Manisha Acharya is widely recognised for her profound knowledge and outstanding skills in assisted reproductive techniques. She provides exceptional care to couples struggling with infertility, guiding them towards successful outcomes. Her dedication and success rate have positioned her as one of the top fertility specialists at Indira IVF, where she continues to make significant impact in patient’s fertility journey.

When is Semen Analysis Test Recommended?

A semen analysis test is recommended in several scenarios. For couples struggling with infertility, it is typically one of the initial tests performed to assess male fertility. It is also advised if a man has undergone certain medical treatments or surgeries that may affect sperm production or function. Additionally, if a couple has experienced recurrent miscarriages or has a history of genetic disorders, a semen analysis may be suggested. Moreover, for those considering assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), semen analysis is a crucial step in determining the appropriate course of action.

What are the benefits of a Semen Analysis Test?

A semen analysis test offers various benefits in assessing male fertility and reproductive health.

  1. It provides valuable insights into sperm count, motility, and morphology, helping determine fertility potential.
  2. It can identify sperm health issues, such as abnormalities in shape or structure, which may contribute to infertility.
  3. The test enables the monitoring of treatment effectiveness and the progress of interventions aimed at improving fertility.
  4. Additionally, abnormalities detected in semen analysis results may indicate underlying health conditions requiring further investigation.

Ultimately, a semen analysis test empowers couples to make informed decisions about family planning, fertility treatments, or assisted reproductive techniques.

What are the steps involved in a Semen Analysis Test?

The semen analysis test involves several steps to accurately assess male fertility. Here are the key steps:

  1. Sample collection: The patient is provided with a sterile container to collect a semen sample through masturbation. It is important to follow specific instructions regarding abstinence duration and sample collection techniques.
  2. Sample processing: The collected semen sample is allowed to liquefy for a specific period. It is then mixed gently to ensure uniform distribution of the sperm.
  3. Microscopic examination: A small portion of the liquefied semen is placed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope. This step involves assessing various parameters such as sperm count, motility, and morphology.
  4. Sperm count determination: The number of sperm in the sample is counted using a specialized counting chamber or automated device.
  5. Analysis of sperm motility: The percentage of motile sperm and their movement patterns (forward or progressive) are evaluated. This step helps assess sperm's ability to reach and fertilize an egg.
  6. Morphology assessment: Sperm morphology refers to the shape and structure of sperm cells. An expert examines the sample to identify any abnormalities in sperm shape, size, or structure.
  7. Additional tests (if required): Depending on the specific situation, additional tests such as sperm vitality (percentage of live sperm) or testing for antibodies may be performed.

What are the risks and complications of Semen Analysis?

Semen analysis is a non-invasive procedure with minimal risks and complications. However, some individuals may experience discomfort or embarrassment during sample collection. In rare cases, allergic reactions to the collection container or lubricants used can occur. It's important to follow proper hygiene guidelines to avoid contamination. Overall, the risks associated with semen analysis are minimal, and healthcare professionals take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable testing process.

What is the Cost of a Semen Analysis Test in Nepal?

The cost of a semen analysis test in Nepal can vary depending on factors such as the location, the healthcare facility, and any additional tests or consultations included. It is recommended to contact specific clinics or hospitals directly to inquire about their pricing and any possible discounts or packages they may offer for semen analysis tests.

Why Choose Indira IVF for Semen Analysis Test?

Trusted Fertility Experts

Experienced fertility specialists ensuring accurate semen analysis.

Advanced Lab Infrastructure

Advanced facilities for precise semen analysis results in Nepal.

Affordable Pricing

Transparent and affordable pricing plans.

Advanced Fertility Treatments with State-of-the-Art Technology

World-class laboratories

Closed Working Chambers Technology

Non-Invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing (NIPGTA)

Advanced Incubators

Microfluidic Sperm Sorter Technique

24*7 Monitoring System